Master Guru Raghavendra

About US

The Great Specialist in Astrology is Master Guru Raghavendra

Master Guru Raghavendra is one of the leading astrology service providers in New York, USA. He provides a wide range of services including predictive astrology, horoscope analysis; get your love back etc. His astrological prediction will help you too get rid of all your problems related to love life, marriage and business by providing accurate

Our Master Guru Raghavendra is expert in Vedic Astrology and very familiar in New York, USA. Vedic astrology is the most ancient system of astrology. This discipline uses a different set of basic assumptions and techniques then Western or Chinese Horoscopes. The main difference between Vedic Astrology and other forms of divination is its use of sidereal Zodiac rather than tropical Zodiac.

  • The word Vedas means wisdom, so Vedic astrology is also called Wisdom Science
  • According to Hinduism, Knowledge was originated from God who is considered to be creator of everything in this universe.
  • It is believed that there should be some relation between humans and God through which they can obtain knowledge about the universe including planets and stars etc.,
Approach the Best Astrologer in New York, USA

In today’s world, there are many astrologers and horoscope experts who claim to be able to predict the future. However, not all of them have the right qualifications or experience to offer quality services to their clients. If you are looking for a well-respected astrologer who can provide accurate readings based on your birth chart, then consider Master Guru Raghavendra. As one of New York’s leading experts in this field, he has helped many people understand what lies ahead by using techniques that have been passed down over centuries.

Vedic Astrologer Master Guru Raghavendra is known among the best Vedic astrologers in USA for over two decades. His knowledge about the science of horoscopes and stars has been helping people from different countries around the world. He offers personalized solutions based on your natal chart reading, birth chart interpretation and planetary placements at any time frame you prefer along with his other services like gemstones remedies to cure diseases & illness as well as love marriage or any kind of problem related to marriage or relationship both personal or professional astrology can help them by solving their problems permanently through vashikaran mantra (Black Magic Spells) or may be some other methods according to their situation but all are 100% effective if done properly under guidance by professional astrologers like me who know how important it is not just have knowledge but also perform our duty towards humanity – because this is what life is all about: Serving others without expecting anything in return!

If you are looking for Best Astrology services and seeking for the experienced astrologer, just consult our Master Guru Raghavendra in New York, USA.
You can consult through his Phone number: +1 (347) 354-1112
and E mail id: